Teeth Whitening

Look your best.
Feel your best.

Teeth whitening is one of the easier and cheaper options of enhancing a smile. Bright teeth make you look younger, fresher and more attractive.

How do we do it?

Our fully integrated, safe and scientifically approved  system has everything you need to achieve that wonderful smile. We have chosen the ‘at home whitening system’ because studies have shown this to be the most effective and long-lasting procedure.

We only use materials that are tried and tested and comply fully with all EU directives and legislation. The whitening gels are formulated to give the best possible results and the highest patient satisfaction:

  • The only sustained release product on the market
  • Gels contain potassium nitrate and fluoride for desensitising
  • High water content to prevent dehydration and reduce sensitivity
  • Gel has a pleasant flavour
  • pH neutral – protects your teeth
  • Patented PF formula for stronger enamel, decreased sensitivity, and caries prevention

Cosmetic Dentistry treatments available in West Sussex

The process

Before we can proceed with a whitening treatment we need to ascertain how healthy your teeth are. We also need to determine what is causing any discolouration. New patients to the practice will therefore require an initial new-patient examination (our normal fees will apply).

Alternatively a referral letter from your own dentist would be acceptable. We will then take impressions for our technician to make the customised whitening trays. When this is completed we will give you full instructions on how to use the products. The whitening can then be done in the comfort of your own home.

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Smilecare Dental Centre, 45 Furnace Drive, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6JD

Robert Harding trading as Smilecare Dental Centre

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